furia furialog · Every Noise at Once · New Particles · The War Against Silence · Aedliga (songs) · photography · other things
Although site rearchitecture is not exactly a spectator sport, that's what I've been working on for the last week, and if you are so bored that reading all this same stuff in a different layout sounds entertaining, I would be happy to hear any usability feedback or bug reports. The temporary entry point is [now removed].  

Some inline links, particularly in furialog entries, will still jump out into the old design. I will eventually be putting in URL-forwarding so that all pre-redesign URLs map correctly and transparently into new pages. For now just hit Back and try navigating some other way.  

Otherwise, almost everything appears to be working reasonably well. (TWAS 501b is broken for known reasons, furialog tag-filtering can't be applied to an RSS feed yet, and vF is deliberately excluded from the redesign since the content of it isn't my work.)  

If it all collapses in a heap the moment anybody but me touches anything, though, I won't be terriby surprised.  

Discuss, if you wish, here.  

[Actually, 501b is fixed now...]
Site contents published by glenn mcdonald under a Creative Commons BY/NC/ND License except where otherwise noted.