Latitude EgressEncyclopaedia

Germany · Doom · Progressive
3 reviews by 3 reviewers of 1 release from 2014

Similar Bands · Reviewers
Similar Bands
0.2222Atrum Tempestas
0.1272The Flight of Sleipnir
0.0522Mare Cognitum
0.0442A Forest of Stars
empath is a similarity analysis of the heavy-metal bands listed in the Encyclopaedia Metallum, based solely on reviewer overlap. The similarity scores are approximately the percentage of overlap, adjusted to reduce the effects of both high popularity and small samples. 9874 bands qualify. Various bonus statistics are provided for no especially good reason.
All displayed precision is for entertainment only; no statistical significance is asserted. Aesthetic judgments are probably implied, but not mine.
Data from Encyclopaedia Metallum · Analysis by glenn mcdonald · Updated 14 May 2024