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- get a cat, or two
- get a dog
- have a child, or two
- write more of my novel
- spend more time with our friends
- help B get her metalsmithing going
- cook more
- quit my job
- get a better job
- start a company of my own
- put some real effort into getting a freelance consulting business going
- put some real effort into transforming my current job
- get involved in XML micro-format standards work
- buy a digital SLR and start taking photography more seriously
- get my music studio set up again and start taking music more seriously
- learn more Japanese
- learn more Spanish
- regrout the tub
- replace the fence
- remodel everything unsatisfactory in our house
- sell our house and move to an industrial loft in an artists' community
- sell our house and move to Somerville
- sell our house and move to Vermont
- sell our house and move to Portland, Oregon
- sell our house and move to Copenhagen, Denmark
- sell our house, store our belongings, and set out in any direction
- visit Vancouver
- visit the Yucatan Peninsula
- visit Iceland
- visit Sweden, Norway, Finland and Estonia
- visit Switzerland, Greece and Croatia
- see more of Spain, France, Holland, England and Scotland
- visit South Korea, Hokkaido, Okinawa, Taiwan, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii
- buy a drysuit and do more kayaking
- get better boots so I enjoy climbing more
- run a little more, a little farther, a little faster
- curl up on the couch and watch movies for a month
- curl up on the couch and read books for a month
- figure out an investment/retirement plan that doesn't support or rely on anything we hate
- find a way to help save the human presence on Earth
- escape to space
Site contents published by glenn mcdonald under a Creative Commons BY/NC/ND License except where otherwise noted.