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9 April 2013 · matching rem
Remember, in the old days, how we would go to the record store on Tuesdays, when new releases came out? That was fun.  

New releases still come out on Tuesdays, in the US, but the thing about flipping through the New Release bin at a good record store was that you could do it. There were dozens of new releases in the bin, and you could look through dozens in a couple minutes. In the new music-world, there are thousands of new releases. "Looking through them" takes forever, and many many many of them are things your record store wouldn't have put in the bin. Many of them are things your record store wouldn't even have ordered.  

But the new world is supposed to be better than the old world, isn't that the point? So here's a little piece of my ongoing effort to help make it so:  

Rdio New Releases by Genre  

This takes all the things Rdio says are new this week and categorizes them, occasionally over-enthusiastically, by genre. Your record store didn't have the time or space to do this, but now we can.  

Obviously this would be better if you could see only the genres you care about, and better still if the computers could figure out which ones those are automatically. But for now, it's just an HTML page. See if it helps you discover anything.
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