furia furialog · Every Noise at Once · New Particles · The War Against Silence · Aedliga (songs) · photography · other things
23 December 2014 · matching muse
I am amused and unreasonably delighted to point out that my new Aedliga EP, The Clock of the Cold, is on the Spotify new-release list this week. It's safely way down at the bottom where nobody would ever find it by accident, but if you hit Control-F and type "Aedliga" you can see that it's there. Unless it's after 29 December 2014 as you're reading this, in which case you missed my tiny moment and will just have to trust me that it happened.  

But the music still exists, and it's in the nature of digital music that it doesn't generally get any worse than it was when it was new. Nor longer! And format-wise, if you're Spotify-averse for some reason, the EP is also on Soundcloud, and the songs and lyrics are also available directly from aedliga.com for the fairly reasonable price of the time it will take you to listen to them.
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