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Seven of Mourning, Eight of Stars
awake on this shore, half strangled by halos
my hand on this door, your heart in the last row
if all this decay expires in your mercy
miraculous breaths, drawn only in lamplight
then maybe tonight I'll reach through these curtains
and out in the room you'll marry the moon
it's all up to you, I've made my decision
I'm standing here waiting imprisoned in you
and lost in my panic, praying you'll mention
the last thing I told you, the first day I knew
and poised on the future, I hope you know this
when you drew your card: the seven of mourning
but I will take you away with the eight of stars
I promise you this with whatever power
I'll never grow tired, awake through these moments
astonished to be, expecting the angels
turned out in the light and standing in witness
I'll hold you asleep, I'll watch 'til the traces
take over from fear, take over from distance
courageous and lost, determined and wind-sent
it's all up to you, I've made my decision
I'm standing here waiting imprisoned in you
and lost in my panic, praying you'll mention
the last thing I told you, the first day I knew
and poised on the future, I hope you know this
when you drew your card: the seven of mourning
but I will take you away with the eight of stars
a heart sits in darkness, the drama is stage-locked
caught up in the glare, a gleam in our failure
the tell-her sign flares, I'm ready to ask you
to lay down these dreams and offer to trade you
it's all up to you, I've made my decision
I'm standing here waiting imprisoned in you
and lost in my panic, praying you'll mention
the last thing I told you, the first day I knew
and poised on the future, I hope you know this
when you drew your card: the seven of mourning
but I will take you away with the eight of stars
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