Just some questions  vF
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10 February 19 from Hunter 3
Hey there Glenn,  

Ah, cool!  

I finished my sort of the 2,600 something oldest genres on ENaO a week or two ago (entries are added so often that I guess it is only rarely ever a "complete" sort, haha).  

I find it interesting that some particles (like those with the non-genre adjective "deep") operate on a level that seems similar, and at the same time different, to the playlist sets on each particle's page (Intro, 2018, etc...).  

Have other adjectives like that been considered? Like "chill" for instance? When searching on Paul Lamer's "Playlist Miner," which I've used for playlist designing quite a bit, I've found that chill works as a modifier for almost anything (rock, rap, morning, etc...). Somehow that makes me think that a definition like the one you've written for "deep" could be constructed.  

I don't know if that definition would focus on the "only people" part or something like "The version of X that is below the average of X's 'nrgy' score" (I'm not sure how accurate that metric is?) or quite possibly any other number of approaches. I guess it all depends on how the Large Genre Collider (which presumably has some sort of interface?) works , but I haven't seen a lot about that anywhere.  

Any ways, I'm sure there are a ton of other things on the idea heap, but just thought I'd ask, haha.  

Also, loving the new "recent-genres sampler" playlist! Or maybe I'd just missed it before?  

22 January 19 from glenn mcdonald 2
"deep" usually means "the version of X that only people who are really into X are into", which does often translate to "less popular", but not automatically. The deep stuff can take off in a way that the original scene didn't. And then of course the fates of the genres can shift over time. I haven't scrutinzed "deep chiptune" recently to see what's happening there. It might be due for a renaming.
19 January 19 from Joseph H Sizemore 1
Hello again,  

Thanks for your response about the reading list, would be interested to know of any particular online watering holes you've found to be fruitful in your searches (beyond things like Wikipedia, AllMusic, Last.fm, Pitchfork et al, etc..). DigitalDreamDoor is one which I've found myself coming across again and again, for instance.  

I'd also be interested in any information on an anomaly I've encountered on ENaO: when ranked for popularity, "deep chiptune" appears at #492 while "chiptune" appears at #1397.  

Presumably the word "deep" in a particle's title on ENaO indicates a variant of the particle it is modifying. "deep big room" (pop.: #157), for instance, seems to reference a potential parent particle which appears higher in the ranking (pop.: #67). And while "deep pop r&b" (pop.: #151) does not possess a direct antecedent, presumably "r&b" (pop: #12) qualifies.  

An analysis of the "Intro To" playlists (which I generally take to be the particle argued in it's most unassailable form) for "chiptune" (pop.:#1397) and "deep chiptune"(pop.: #492) via OrganizeYourMusic reveals that "Intro to Chiptune" has a popularity range of 43-0 and a release range of 2004-2017 while "Intro to Deep Chiptune" has a popularity range of 58-36 and a release range of 2010-2019. This seems to run counter to the expected relationship to a particle and it's "deep" variant.  

I'd be interested to know anything that you care to share about what the word "deep" indicates, if anything, in particle titles on ENaO. Perhaps there's a genre divergence that is hinted at by the word "deep" and the "deep" variant just happens to be more popular? Something tells me the answer is more interesting that that...
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