2023 Around the World   country sampler   genre sampler  
The new or newly released music that defined, united and distinguished fan communities of place and interest around the world in 2023.
#18 galician indie
#18galician indie
#23galician rock
#24rap galego
#37punk galego
#41spanish folk
#46galician folk
2023 in Galician Indie   playlist
1La Casa de los Ingleses "El Mesias"81
2Carabela "Máscara vella"71
3Igloo "Serendipia"59
4Momboi "Último Baile"56
5MJ Pérez "Ora Aperta, Amor"54
6Tecor Societário "Memórias de Um Negro de Campo"51
7Lucía Aldao "Abril, Cerral"51
8Loita Amada "Un anaco de min"48
9Ruxe Ruxe "Vaia onde vaia"47
10Ataque Escampe "Supermartes"46
11Acouga "Escapar"45
12Berlai "Encerelhado"40
13Los Jinetes del Trópico "El Pescador - Remix"36
14MØU "O Sonho"35
15Guadi Galego "Bela"33
16Lontreira "Arrepíos"32
17Capital Voskov "Edimburgo"31
18bratzantifa "precariedade emocional"28
19Caldo "Cinzas"27
20Galician Army "NON QUERO PERDERTE - II"27
21De Ninghures "Mal ♦ Pica"27
22Budiño "Branca Vela"27
23LERIA "Queres ir a bailar?"27
24Berto "sombra"25
25Terbutalina "Xente da noite"24
26AMORODO "Non vas marchar"24
27O Rabelo "III. Muinheira"24
28García MC "Quen Son Eu?"23
29Futuro Alcalde "O Salnés"23
30Ailá "Moliñeira de Riamonte"22
31Mondra "berce"21
32Pastor Eléctrico "A Espiña Cravada"20
33Davide Salvado "Sega"19
34Los Marcianos "Adiós a Miedo"19
35Xosé Lois Romero "Sophie"18
36Fônal "Despertar"18
37hydn "Bella Hadid"17
38Caamaño & Ameixeiras "Santa Mariña"17
39Willow GHZ "Imos Durmir Ó Raso"16
40El Capitán Elefante "Canción Truculenta"15
41Boyanka Kostova "Ordoño"15
43The Rapants "As Kimbambas"14
44Grande Amore "Do meu corpo van nacer outros corpos"14
45Rebeliom do Inframundo "Droga"14
46Vermú "Envido y truco"13
47Os da Porfía "Bueu"12
48Los Flamingos "Desde Cero"12
49Señor Torrance "a solas"11
50Catuxa Salom "Aguas Venir"10
51ORTIGA "Deixa que saia"10
52Hugo Guezeta "A Derradeira Lección Do Mestre"10
53Atalaya Roja "Rio San Juan"10
54Marsella "Cuando Me Hundo (Versión Retro)"10
55Fillas de Cassandra "Da voz de Cassandra"10

alchemy by glenn mcdonald / @everynoise for Spotify, listening by the world
These lists compile the collective 2023 new-music listening of music fans in every country where people use Spotify, and in the fan communities for 6000+ genres and other genre-shaped distinctions. The songs in each list are scored and ranked by a combined weighting of a) their absolute popularity with those fans and b) the share of the song's global listening that those fans account for. (And then filtered to one song per artist.) This means, for example, that The Sound of Ukraine 2023 is the music that defines, unites and distinguishes Ukrainian fans, whether that music comes from Ukraine or not. Likewise, 2023 in Drift Phonk is the music that fans of Drift Phonk loved, whether it's Drift or Phonk or not. To be eligible, a song must have been released on or after 2022-12-01, as best our data can tell, so that's why no "Cruel Summer".
In addition to exploring by country or metagenre, you can click any artist to see all the lists on which they appear.
You are allowed to fall in love with things you did not know even existed until now. It is not too late.
It is never too late.
(PS: It's not even too late for 2022, 2021, 2020 or 2019.)