2023 Around the World   country sampler   genre sampler  
The new or newly released music that defined, united and distinguished fan communities of place and interest around the world in 2023.
#1 japanese girl punk
#1japanese girl punk
#38japanese pop punk
#44japanese ska
#45japanese punk rock
#47japanese garage rock
#61japanese melodic punk
2023 in Japanese Girl Punk   playlist
1HPCP "Juggling"106
2matsuri "262"99
3Heavenstamp "トライアングル"91
5EiHilE "ステイ・ヤング"84
7MINAMI NiNE "夢で逢えたら"82
8Limited Express (has Gone?) "ラーメンライス"77
9Smash up "WILL BE ALL RIGHT"76
10LOBSTER "Manifest for a New Average"74
11ni-hao!!!! "Don't Obsess"74
12ALiVE "see you walking"73
14Four Get Me A Nots "Dandelion"61
15かずき山盛り "カラフルおしり"56
16ONIONRING "Still Kids"52
18Desert Of Tomorrow "CHILD WARNING"48
19pandagolff "ADDITIONAL LEMON"47
20tact "grasp"47
21Su凸ko D凹koi "Koushu Road"47
22Shonen Knife "Nice Day"45
233SET-BOB "サイコーサイコー"43
24GUMX "SADNESS IS OVER (feat. Yuta Yasuno Of Hawaiian6)"43
25PET "20th CENTURY BOY"41
26Newrotica "全力男"41
27Tetsuko "Hello"41
28Dohatsuten "Go自愛"40
29POT "Fanfare"38
30RiL "Saṃsāra"38
31HARD CORE DUDE "Hang a Combat master Detonics"38
32TsuShiMaMiRe "サイケデリック自問自答"37
33LONGMAN "プロローグ"36
34Danablu "Second March"35
35LINK "月の花"34
36マッシュとアネモネ "134"34
37Kyuso Nekokami "優勝 (ALBUM Mix)"33
38まなつ "レボデス"32
39健やかなる子ら "ポエトリージャンキー"32
40SpecialThanks "OH! LOVE! 幻!"31
41PRAY FOR ME "Settle down"31
42Arakezuri "レイジー"29
43The Highmarts "I Want You Bad"29
44バックドロップシンデレラ "アメリカでウンザウンザを踊る"29
45milkyway "病室とクレヨン"29
46Dizzy Sunfist "Punk Rock Princess"28
47Northern19 "MAGIC TIME"28
48su-xing-cyu "UMA WITH A MISSION"28
49HEY-SMITH "Ode to Joy"28
50HONEST "I Like You"27
51UNDER SOCKS "Windy"27
52板歯目 "SPANKY ALIEN"27
53Hotspring "斜陽族"27
54LOW IQ 01 "When the Ship Rolls In"26
56THE TOMBOYS "Don't Stop Me Now"25
57SHANK "Foundation"25
58AFTER SQUALL "Crush"24
59プピリットパロ "いちどきり"24
60MONGOL800 "繋がりSUNSET"23
61アカネサス "孤独"23
62I's "永遠衝動"22
63虎の子ラミー "限界突破 - 2023ver"22
64ADAM at "定時で帰ろう feat. TOTALFAT"22
65竹上久美子 "ふつうの暮らし"22
66AIRFLIP "Orange Night"22
67MEGA X "たりないぼくら"21
68ザ・シスターズハイ "真里"21
69FIVE STATE DRIVE "Come Back"21
70PAN "キャンプだホイ - Cover"21
71See You Smile "Blue Dream"20
72TOTALFAT "New Shit"20
73AGE OF KID "That's all enough."19
74Kill The Gossip "I Don't Know(Re)"19
75Ken Yokoyama "Tomorrow"19
76Kanna "空"18
77Luby Sparks "Depression - No Joy Remix"18
78TENDOUJI "BeachBoys"18
79Oledickfoggy "夜光虫"18
81Awkmiu "avalanche"17
82FOMARE "Heroine"17
83Wasureranneyo "お前の話は聞いていない"17
84periwinkles "Let's go!!"17
85JUON "VIVA! Highway"16
86Aburadako "米ニスト - Remastered"16
88東京初期衝動 "はないちもんめ"15
90Baja "MAX"15
92南無阿部陀仏 "愛爆発"14
93THE KING OF ROOKIE "愛とディスタンス"14
94Yamaarashi "涅槃"14
95Sugar House "Try it"14
96プッシュプルポット "最終列車"13
97age "PEGASUS"13
98MELON BATAKE A GO GO "めろん畑a go go の「嗚呼!IDOL真っ最中!」"13
99ハルカミライ "BOYSISM"13
100A.O.W. "Intention"13

alchemy by glenn mcdonald / @everynoise for Spotify, listening by the world
These lists compile the collective 2023 new-music listening of music fans in every country where people use Spotify, and in the fan communities for 6000+ genres and other genre-shaped distinctions. The songs in each list are scored and ranked by a combined weighting of a) their absolute popularity with those fans and b) the share of the song's global listening that those fans account for. (And then filtered to one song per artist.) This means, for example, that The Sound of Ukraine 2023 is the music that defines, unites and distinguishes Ukrainian fans, whether that music comes from Ukraine or not. Likewise, 2023 in Drift Phonk is the music that fans of Drift Phonk loved, whether it's Drift or Phonk or not. To be eligible, a song must have been released on or after 2022-12-01, as best our data can tell, so that's why no "Cruel Summer".
In addition to exploring by country or metagenre, you can click any artist to see all the lists on which they appear.
You are allowed to fall in love with things you did not know even existed until now. It is not too late.
It is never too late.
(PS: It's not even too late for 2022, 2021, 2020 or 2019.)