furia furialog · Every Noise at Once · New Particles · The War Against Silence · Aedliga (songs) · photography · other things
I've fixed a few more bugs in the new code (most notably: the TWAS artist indices are working again, all embedded links and images should now work in the RSS as well as HTML, and furialog tag-filtering is automatically reflected in the attached RSS feed) and tweaked the visual layout very slightly.  

For my own reference, here are the primary features added in the new system:  

- consistent page design across all content ("all" meaning TWAS/furialog/photo/songs/code/misc)
- unified search across all content
- unified search-hit highlighting in all content
- unified dynamic RSS across all content, filterable by source, text and tag
- unified back-end content processing rendering HTML out of XML content files driven by XML indices, including embeddable magic functions for photosets and csv tables
- improved table embedder that handles sorting/filtering inside of other pages, blank cells in any field type, and tagless sorting of HTML fields
- automatic context-sensitive RSS feeds on all pages
- previewing for configurable RSS feeds
- site navigation bar on all pages
- sidebar section navigation in all sections
- better use of permalinks, searching and tagging in furialog
- paging of furialog entries (including text-/tag-filters and permalink mode)
- replacement of section index pages with pass-through to latest content
- replacement of individual old-style copyright notices with global CC notice
- single streamlined semi-semantic style sheet for all content
- automatic current-section nav highlighting in main navigation bar, sidebar navigation and subsections
- automatic previous/next issue navigation in TWAS
- automatic previous/next list navigation in TWAS best-of lists
- layout scalable to browser and text sizes
Site contents published by glenn mcdonald under a Creative Commons BY/NC/ND License except where otherwise noted.