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Counting Horizons
tonight you have a choice to make
before another morning goes awry
will you stand still here with me on reclaimed cross-streets
or just spin surrounded by the sky?
release yourself
for this one warm night
from the curatorial scrutiny
of our frantic history
of triangulated apologies and crenelated walls
we have told ourselves
so many episodes
of this cabaret of dissidence
that our loyalties and our costumes
are now indistinguishable from our flaws
and now you have a choice to make
before another morning goes awry
will you stand still with me on reclaimed cross-streets
or just spin surrounded by the sky?
we could release ourselves
from this frozen fight
and from the self-defeating systems we use
to hold apart our bodies
when we start to drift closer and forget our lines
but the world is still not organized
into exceptions and compliances
or days when no one measures us
and the fact we can't stop wanting this
is how we ended up with these laws
and every day we have this choice to make
maybe that's what we mean by days
and linear planning in an orbital context
will only speed up our decay
but if that's the same sun again we have however many chances
to say you look beautiful and dizzy in this light
and I'm not promising this falling hand has any way to slow you down
but counting horizons isn't making anything right
[Constituted with DM1 and GarageBand in the air between Stockholm and Reykjavík in both directions, sung back in Boston in the presence of dolls and cats.]
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